Sophia has already created a great relationship with law enforcement in Chester County and plans to continue to expand the Coroner's role in ensuring justice is served.

If there is one role above all others important to Sophia it is ensuring that the Coroner’s Office works well with law enforcement in their common pursuit of  justice for the decedents and their families that she serves.

Sophia already has built many great relationships with local law enforcement, working on homicides, child deaths and other cases over the last six years working in the Coroner’s Office. She also sits on task forces that focus on investigation as well as several task forces planning and training to respond to mass fatality events. Those relationships mean she can do the job better, with more support from the other agencies she works with.

To spotlight just one change Sophia has already made since joining the Coroner’s Office she instituted the procedures for all child death cases, establishing clear guidelines and procedures for the investigations. The standardization of the process ensures that all child death cases are treated the same, that the information collected is consistent including a reenactment that helps law enforcement decide on appropriate next steps, and that the final ruling on cause and manner of death has had all the due diligence required to be accurate.

Sophia’s relationship and focus on partnering with local law enforcement make the Coroner’s Office and Chester County a better, safer place to live.